Important News and Updates for the Residents of Aldworth Parish
Upstream Magazine - Winter - Issue 102
The latest issue of Upstream Magazine is available for download below.
Could you be entitled to Pension Credit?
With cost of living pressures affecting people across West Berkshire – and, in particular older members of the community – Laura Farris MP has launched a campaign to increase awareness of Pension Credit, an under-used mechanism that can provide vital support to those that most need it.
For any pensioner who is eligible, Pension Credit provides an average of £3,300 extra per year and is very easy to apply for. However, over a quarter of pensioners who are eligible for this support are completely unaware of it and do not receive it.
Laura has spoken to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau (among others) and it has also become clear that uptake is a real problem locally.
Pensioners are one of the groups who suffer most from rising inflation and Laura is determined that they should get as much support as possible. With the help of community groups, shops and businesses across West Berkshire, I hope I can achieve this.
"Safe & Well" Visits from Royal Berkshire Fire & Resuce
Did you know that the Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service provides free, at home 'Safe and Well' Visits to residents in Berkshire?
A safe and well visit
provides vulnerable residents with tailored fire safety advice, smoke
detection, hearing impaired alarms (if needed) and well-being advice with
signposting to additional agencies.
More information can
be found on their website:
A poster is attached along with a QR Code you can scan for more information.
Volunteer for Home Start West Berkshire
Home Start West Berkshire are a charity that help parents of young children in West Berkshire. They are seeking to recruit volunteers for various positions from people who do home visits, to fundraisers to Baby Bank managing and even admin roles.
If you think you can help a young family in our area, and want to know more, there are special open days being held throughout the summer and training courses later on in the year. Have a look at the information attached.
Upstream Magazine - Issue 99 (Spring 2022)
The Spring edition of Upstream has been published - you can download it below.
Dementia Friendly Introduction from West Berkshire Council
Dementia Friendly West Berkshire is a group of individuals and organisations who are committed to working together to make West Berkshire more dementia friendly. The breadth of what we do can be found on our website: The group is supported by West Berkshire Council and AgeUK Berkshire.
There are a number of events, get togethers and sessions that are Dementia Friendly and these can be found by clicking on the additional documents below.
Please share this with people who might benefit from them.
Upstream - Issue 96 - Summer 2021
The West Berkshire Countryside Society’s purpose is to promote the understanding, appreciation and conservation of the West Berkshire countryside… furthering these objectives through practical conservation work and guided walks and talks from local experts.
Upstream is our quarterly publication designed to highlight conservation matters in West Berkshire and to publicise the activities of the Society. It is produced at our own expense and distributed free of charge.
Upstream contains articles from knowledgeable members & regularly from non-member experts from organisations such as BBOWT & the Environment Agency.
You can download the Summer Issue by clicking below.
Summer Fun Brochure from WBC
West Berkshire Council been working
hard to bring as much summer fun to West Berkshire as they can while keeping
socially distanced and safe. There are so many activities and great ways to
keep children, young people and families happy and active through the summer
holidays and you can view them all in the Summer Fun brochure which you can download below.
Gaming 4 Good
Online gaming has seen a massive increase in popularity with children over the COVID-19 pandemic, as result of more time spent at home and restrictions on physical social contact.
As grandparents, parents or guardians of children under the age of 18, the parenting community is very welcome to join one of our free Gaming4Good webinars where they can hear from a panel of experts in family gaming who will discuss psychology, gaming risk and finance, how to approach your child's gaming to help them get the most out of it... and avoid the pitfalls.There are three one-hour webinars, each tailored for parents of children of different age groups.
Thursday June 17, 10am – 11am: parents and guardians with children 2–12 yrs
Thursday June 24, 10am – 11am: parents and guardians with children aged 12–15yrs
Wednesday June 30, 10am-11am: parents and guardians with children aged 15–18yrs
Our expert panellists include:
Liz Stanton MBE, Get Safe Online (moderator)
Annette Whalley, HSBC
Cath Knibbs, cyber trauma & psychology specialist
Adrian Sladdin, gaming & gambling expert
Andy Robertson, author and gaming for kids expert
Mat Hasker, Get Safe Online, gaming specialist & Dad
Please find attached a PDF flyer providing all the details. Also attached is our latest leaflet providing helpful tips on the subject.
All the information can also be found on our website:
We hope they are helpful and look forward to seeing you there.
All the best,
the Get Safe Online team
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Funeral To Take Place In Windsor
The Royal Household has announced that the funeral of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh is to take place in Windsor on Saturday 17 April.
The Ceremonial Royal Funeral will take place at St George’s Chapel within the grounds of Windsor Castle.In line with the Royal Household’s wishes and Government advice, Thames Valley Police is asking the public not to gather at Royal residences, such as Windsor Castle, at this time and to continue to follow public health advice particularly on avoiding meeting in large groups and minimising travel.
The force is also supporting the Royal Household in asking that floral tributes are not laid at Windsor Castle and to encourage people to consider making a donation to a charity.
An online book of condolence has been set up for anyone wishing to pay their respects to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. You can access the online book here.
During this time of national mourning, there is an increased police presence and a broad range of security measures in place in and around Windsor. Some of these measures are visible, such as the extensive network of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology, Close Circuit Television (CCTV) and Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) barriers, as well as our Mounted Section, whilst some measures are unseen.
Thames Valley Police Assistant Chief Constable Ben Snuggs, strategic commander for the funeral, said: “We understand that people will want to pay their respects to HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and to the Royal Family during this time of national mourning.
“However, we would ask that the public respect the Royal Household’s wishes and the Government advice by minimising travel and not gathering in groups. Instead, we would ask people to use the online book of condolence which has been set up by the Royal Household.
“There will continue to be a police presence in Windsor in the lead up to and on the day of the funeral as part of our measures to ensure public health and safety and protective security.
“Our thoughts remain with the Royal Family and all those affected at this very difficult time.”

Upstream - Spring 2021 Edition
The latest issue (Spring 2021) from Upstream is available to download and read here or click on the document below.
The West Berkshire Countryside Society’s purpose is to promote the understanding, appreciation and conservation of the West Berkshire countryside… furthering these objectives through practical conservation work and guided walks and talks from local experts.
Upstream is a quarterly publication designed to highlight conservation matters in West Berkshire and to publicise the activities of the Society. It is produced at our own expense and distributed free of charge.
Upstream contains articles from knowledgeable members & regularly from non-member experts from organisations such as BBOWT & the Environment Agency. Enjoy!
Neighbourhood Watch release their latest 'Our News' Publication for February
Neighbourhood Watch announce their February OUR NEWS newsletter. This monthly newsletter, created by Neighbourhood Watch Network (the umbrella organisation for Neighbourhood Watch across England and Wales), is for all supporters of Neighbourhood Watch, from households to volunteers, such as scheme Coordinators or Association Leads.
This month we have a look at how to spot a Covid-19 vaccine scam and how to spot a romance scam. We introduce to you our new rural crime section on our website and our new #DrugsKnowMore campaign - a campaign soon to be launched designed by young people for young people.
In partnership with Co-op Insurance we remind you of the fantastic opportunity available for children to engage with Neighbourhood Watch by designing a treehouse to be built for their community. We also invite Coordinators to attend upcoming workshops, and ask everyone to save the date of 5th – 11th June for Neighbourhood Watch Week 2021.
With all of the above and much more, we hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and would love to hear from you on what you would like to read more of. Please send your suggestions to
Follow us..
Newbury Town Centre Master Plan Survey
West Berkshire Council has appointed Hemingway Design to lead a major new master planning study on the future uses of Newbury Town Centre. The design firm will be part of a multi-disciplinary team that also includes New Masterplanning, GL Hearn, and Urban Movement.
Please have your say and support this important project by filling out a 10 minute online survey (linked below). The goal of the survey is to begin to identify the town's needs. This exercise will form the first stage of a broad engagement strategy with the local community.
The study will be developed over the next 9 months to outline how the Town Centre can evolve into the future, resulting in a full masterplan. It will take into account the significant changes in the retail and hospitality industries and the impact of Covid-19 in accelerating the review of alternative uses for town centres and public spaces.
Parish council meetings 2024
As always, please feel free to join us!