Could you be entitled to Pension Credit?
Could you be entitled to Pension Credit?
West Berkshire
With cost of living pressures affecting people across West Berkshire – and, in particular older members of the community – Laura Farris MP has launched a campaign to increase awareness of Pension Credit, an under-used mechanism that can provide vital support to those that most need it.
For any pensioner who is eligible, Pension Credit provides an average of £3,300 extra per year and is very easy to apply for. However, over a quarter of pensioners who are eligible for this support are completely unaware of it and do not receive it.
Laura has spoken to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau (among others) and it has also become clear that uptake is a real problem locally.
Pensioners are one of the groups who suffer most from rising inflation and Laura is determined that they should get as much support as possible. With the help of community groups, shops and businesses across West Berkshire, I hope I can achieve this.
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