Here you will find all the policies that Aldworth Parish Council have adopted and use when conducting Parish Council business.

Financial Regulations

CIL Report 2023-2024

CIL = Community Infrastructure Levy

Risk Assessment

Community Engagement Policy 2024 to 2025

A policy based on the model policy from SLCC that explains how we are committed to engaging with our community for council business.

Complaints Policy

Disciplinary & Grievance Policy

Equality Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Information & Data Protection Policy

Media Policy

Reserves Policy

Standing Orders

Anti-Bullying Policy

Grant Awarding Policy & Procedure

A policy based on the model policy from the SLCC explaining how groups and charities can apply for funding for a project to Aldworth Parish Council. Using s137 from the Local Government Act 1972 we are allowed to make donations to groups that meet the explained criteria. There is also an application form within the policy for people to download and complete if they wish to approach the Council with a project.

Temporary Scheme of Delegation

Due to the Omicron variant of Covid-19 a temporary scheme of delegation has been put in place. This means the Clerk has been given authorisation to make some decisions on behalf of the Council, meaning face to face meetings do not have to take place as frequently.

Data Protection Certificate 2023 to 2024

Aldworth Parish Council are committed to ensuring they look after any data they hold as part of Council Business. Each year, we pay a fee to the ICO to ensure compliancy with the Data Protection Act.

Public Liability Insurance Certificate 2024 to 2025