Next Meeting

16 September 2024

Full Parish Council Meeting

Aldworth Village Hall Monday 7:30 pm View Details

All the Meeting dates, Agendas and Minutes for the Parish Council

Filters for Meetings
Year Month Meeting Type

November 2024
Monday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2024
Monday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

July 2024
Monday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

May 2024
Monday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

March 2024
Monday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

January 2024
Monday, 19:30
Davey Room @ Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

November 2023
Monday, 19:30
Davey Room @ Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2023
Monday, 19:30
Davey Room @ Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Please note - Laura Coyle our local councillor will be attending the first half of our meeting.

July 2023
Monday, 19:30
Davey Room @ Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

May 2023
Tuesday, 19:45
Aldworth Village Hall

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

All are welcome to join us for our Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 9th May at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.

As this is an election year we have two new councillors joining us and we say farewell to 4 long serving councillors.

We do have 2 vacancies so please come along and join us.

The agenda is attached.  See you there!

March 2023
Wednesday, 19:45
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join us for our Full Council Meeting on Wednesday 15th March at 7.45pm in the Village Hall where we will be discussing:

  • The Draft Parking Review Amendment Traffic Regulation Order 32 for High Street, Streately
  • Reviewing the Playground Inspection Report
  • Looking at the maintenance and 'looking after' of the Defibrillator
  • Reviewing the Risk Assessment 
  • and finalising plans for the Coronation

The documents regarding the TPO in Streatley are attached below.

All are welcome.

February 2023
Monday, 19:00

Planning Recommendation Meeting

Planning Meeting

A short Planning Recommendation Meeting will be held on Zoom on Monday 20th February at 7pm to discuss the new calf house at Bower Farm planning application.

You can view the planning application here:

The Zoom information is:

Meeting ID: 858 4345 8310
Passcode: planning

January 2023
Wednesday, 19:45
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

All are welcome to join us at this face to face meeting in the Village Hall.

The full agenda is available for you to download, the primary focus of the meeting it to approve the Precept and Budget for 2023 / 2024.

We hope to see you there.

December 2022
Thursday, 19:00
on Zoom

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will meet for a short planning meeting on Thursday 1st December at 7pmon ZOOM.  This was going to be a face to face meeting but due to councillor sickness we need to convert to Zoom.

Meeting ID: 724 4108 9634

Passcode: planning

This is to discuss the retrospective planning application at Bower Farm (Calf Shelters).

You can view the planning application documents on the West Berkshire Council Portal here:

All are welcome to join us online.

November 2022
Wednesday, 19:45
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council meet at 7.45pm at Aldworth Village Hall on Wednesday 9th November.  All are welcome to join.

This meeting is pretty meaty!  We'll be looking at the 2023 / 2024 draft budget, reviewing 3 planning applications and discussing various improvements to the village and amenities.

Hope to see you there.

October 2022
Monday, 19:00
The Four Points Public House

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The council will meet on Monday 3rd October at 7pm at The Four Points Pub (village hall unavailable).  

The agenda will be released on 27th September.

Planning Applications we will be discussing are here:

The Glebe:

Pibworth House Roof Tiles:

Pibworth House Dwellings:

All are welcome to join us at this face to face meeting.

August 2022
Tuesday, 19:00
The Bell Public House

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

The Council will meet briefly on Tuesday 16th August at 7pm in the Bell Pub (side room) for a quick planning meeting.

We are specifically looking at the modification request to the original Section 106 agreement between us and the Housing Association that owns some of the properties at the Glebe.  They wish to propose some amendments to the document regarding home values.  There is no additional building work planned.

We will also cover a few little admin bits and bobs as well.

All are welcome!

We have attached the documents that are on the Planning portal re The Glebe below.

July 2022
Wednesday, 19:45
via Zoom

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The Council will meet via Zoom on Wednesday 13th July at 7.45pm for the next Full Council Meeting.

Meeting ID: 924 6480 0224

Passcode: aldworth

We will be considering a grant to GreenFest 2022, reviewing the Winter Highways Plan from WBC and reviewing a number of policies.

All are welcome to join us.

Sadly, as this is now a Zoom meeting there will not be copies available of the Lost Ways Evidence Form.  Please contact the clerk again to arrange postage of them.

May 2022
Friday, 19:00
on Zoom

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will hold a short online Planning Recommendation Meeting on Friday 27th May at 7pm on Zoom to discuss:

1) Bower Farm x 2 - calving sheds and hard standing

2) Starveall Cottage - extension

3) Premises Licence Application for Aldworth Brewing Company

All are welcome to log on to the Zoom meeting and join us.  The Zoom details are on the Agenda.  Links to view the planning documents can be found on page 2 of the agenda.

May 2022
Wednesday, 19:45
Aldworth Village Hall

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

All residents of Aldworth and Westridge Green are welcome at our Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 7.45pm at Aldworth Village Hall.

As well as the usual Annual Meeting business we will also be looking at 4 planning applications and the Jubilee Celebrations .

The agenda is attached, we hope to see you there.

March 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
on Zoom

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will be holding a Full Council Meeting on Wednesday 16th March 2022 at 7.30pm on Zoom.

We will be discussing two planning applications and also our plans for the Jubilee.

The link to join the meeting is here:

Meeting ID: 838 9649 0849

Passcode: aldworth

You can view the planning application documents for Bower Farm here:

You can view the planning application documents for Westridge Manor here:

February 2022
Thursday, 19:00
on Zoom

Planning Recommendation Meeting

Planning Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will meet on Zoom on Thursday 10th February at 7pm for a short planning recommendation meeting to discuss application ref: 22/00104/LBC2 for a proposed swimming pool and ancillary outbuilding at Westridge House in Westridge Green.  We are able to meet on Zoom as we have a Temporary Scheme of Delegation in place for the Clerk, this can be viewed on our Policies page on the website.

Topic: Aldworth Parish Council Planning Meeting

Time: Feb 10, 2022 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 0690 2788

Passcode: planning

You can view the planning documents using this link:

January 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will be holding a Full Council Meeting in the Village Hall on Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 7.30pm (after the Yoga session has finished).

We will be discussing the following items:

1) Approval of Final Budget and Precept Request for 2022 / 2023

2) Approval on a Section 137 Grant towards maintenance in the Churchyard

3) Approve the purchase of a new litter bin

4) Considering a temporary scheme of delegation to the Proper Officer due to the Omicron Variant of C19

5) Planning Applications for Westridge House and the Bell Inn

You can view the planning documents for the 2 applications here:

Westridge House:

The Bell Inn:

Due to the Omicron variant we will be socially distanced, wearing masks, performed a Lateral Flow Test prior to the meeting and have hand sanitiser in the room.  It will also be well ventilated so if you come along, please wrap up warm!  We would appreciate if you do join us if you can observe the same cautionary measures as we will.

December 2021
Monday, 19:00
The Four Points Public House

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will be meeting on Monday 13th December, at 7pm at the Four Points Pub (Village Hall unavailable) to discuss the revised planning application at Westridge Green House.

All are welcome to attend.

November 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

This meeting was originally set for 17th November but due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to move it forward by a week to 24th November.

The agenda is below, we will mainly be discussing the Draft Budget and Precept acmount for 2022 / 2023.

All are welcome to join us.

September 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The next full council meeting for Aldworth Parish will take place on Wednesday 22nd September at 7.30pm in the village hall.

We will be looking at fixing the Well House Roof, installing a new dog waste bin and arranging a sign post restoration project.

You can view the agenda below, all are welcome and we will be following C19 protocols to keep people safe.  Although not mandatory, you are welcome to wear a face covering.

August 2021
Monday, 18:30
The Four Points Public House

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

The Council will meet on Monday 9th August at 6.3-pm at The Four Points Pub to discuss the additional planning application that has been received for Westridge Green House and also Lutyens Cottage.

All are welcome to join us for this meeting.  

You can view the planning documents here: for Westridge Green and here for Lutyens Cottage:

Unfortunately, this meeting was inquorate.  Notes from the meeting can be read under the 'Minutes' button.

July 2021
Tuesday, 18:30
The Four Points Public House

Planning Meeting

The Council will meet on Tuesday 27th July 2021, at 6.30pm at the Four Points Inn (the Village Hall is unavailable) to discuss the revised plans and request for a covered parking area at Chanders, Aldworth Road, Aldworth.

The public are welcome to attend.

The planning documents can be viewed below, or you can visit to view them.

July 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Aldworth Village Hall

Full Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will meet face to face at Aldworth Village Hall on Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 7.30pm.

Items for discussion are Westridge Green Wildflower Meadow, maintenance contracts, ew Dog waster bin, village gateways, Winter Service Plan, Flood Management strategy and Parliamentary Constituencies Boundary Review.

All are welcome to join us.  Please note we will be following the guidelines from the UK Government that are in place on the day.

June 2021
Wednesday, 19:00
The Four Points Public House

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

Aldworth Parish Council will meet on Wednesday 16th June at 7pm at the Four Points Public House (the Village Hall is currently unavailable) to discuss the change of use to Pibworth House barns and to review the application for the Old School House.

You can visit the WBC Planning Portal to view the document for Pibworth House here.

You can visit the WBC Planning Portal to view the documents for The Old School House here.

The meeting will move into a private session to discuss confidential business.

The public are welcome to join us, socially distanced and outside for the first part of the meeting, but they will be asked to leave before we discuss the confidential items.

The agenda can be downloaded below.

Minutes - Part 1 Minutes can be viewed below.  Part 2 are confidential minutes and will not be made available to the public and sensitive information is contained within.

May 2021
Wednesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 2021

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

This year, with some Covid restrictions still in place, the Annual Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 7pm.

We are unable to have an Annual Parish Meeting due to safety concerns, we will look forward to welcoming you in 2022 for this meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 9397 2447

Passcode: aldworth

March 2021
Monday, 19:00
via Zoom

Year End & Accounts Update

Full Parish Council Meeting

The last meeting of the financial year will focus on the accounts for the year 2020 / 2021 and put in place preparations for the Annual Governance Accountability Review and Internal Audit.  This meeting will be held on Zoom and all are welcome to join us.

Meeting ID: 811 9169 2461

Passcode: aldworth

We will be reviewing planning applications for Westridge House and you can look at the documents on the West Berkshire Council portal here:

January 2021
Monday, 19:00
via Zoom

Budget & Precept Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

A meeting for full council to agree the final budget and Precept request for 2021 / 2022.  There is also a planning application we will be discussing at Westridge House, Westridge Green.  You can view the documents for this planning application here.

The Zoom log in details are:

Meeting ID: 885 6073 3184

Passcode: aldworth

December 2020
Monday, 19:00
via Zoom

Planning Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join us for a short Planning Meeting to discuss the new application for Lark Hill in Ambury Road.  The important planning documents can also be found here.  We will also be reviewing the recent Playground Inspection Report.  The Zoom log in details can be found on the Agenda.

December 2020
Wednesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

The Full Parish Council will meet to introduce the new Clerk, co-opt two new Councillors and to attend to important business.  All are welcome to attend.  The Zoom log in details can be found on the Agenda.

July 2020
Wednesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

May 2020
Wednesday, 19:00
via Zoom

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

March 2020
Wednesday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

January 2020
Sunday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

July 2019
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

May 2019
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

April 2019
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

January 2019
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

October 2018
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

July 2018
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

April 2018
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 2018

Full Parish Council Meeting

Annual Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council 2018

January 2018
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

October 2017
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

July 2017
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council

May 2017
Monday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Full Parish Council Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council.

January 2017
Thursday, 19:00
Aldworth Village Hall

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of Aldworth Parish Council