Full Council Meeting
Aldworth Village Hall
Full Parish Council Meeting
Aldworth Parish Council will be holding a Full Council Meeting in the Village Hall on Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 7.30pm (after the Yoga session has finished).
We will be discussing the following items:
1) Approval of Final Budget and Precept Request for 2022 / 2023
2) Approval on a Section 137 Grant towards maintenance in the Churchyard
3) Approve the purchase of a new litter bin
4) Considering a temporary scheme of delegation to the Proper Officer due to the Omicron Variant of C19
5) Planning Applications for Westridge House and the Bell Inn
You can view the planning documents for the 2 applications here:
Westridge House: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=21/03051/HOUSE
The Bell Inn: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=21/03190/FUL
Due to the Omicron variant we will be socially distanced, wearing masks, performed a Lateral Flow Test prior to the meeting and have hand sanitiser in the room. It will also be well ventilated so if you come along, please wrap up warm! We would appreciate if you do join us if you can observe the same cautionary measures as we will.